The Little French Bakery 2015 Class Schedule
Join Susan in her North Freedom, Wisconsin studio/bakery for a hands-on cooking class. Most classes are full day and include breakfast and lunch. You'll take home the products you make. Class gift certificates are available in the Little French Shop. Private group classes are also available. Please contact Susan for more details.
Intro to Croissants
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
What could be better than a fresh, warm croissant or pain au chocolat? Each student will work with dough & butter to fold and create croissants and other croissant dough pastries. This class is a favorite of many students.
French Breads
Mon – Sun: 9a, 5p
Learn the fundamental steps in creating baguettes, and fougasse. We'll discuss the important role of each ingredient including yeast, flour, salt and water.
Tween Baking Class
Mon – Sun: 11a
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Variations on Eclairs
Mon – Sun: 1p
In this class we cover several of the fundamental French pastry building blocks including pate a choux, creme patisserie, and cream chantilly. From this recipes, you'll be able to create savory appetizers and other delicious pastries.
French Tarts
Mon – Sun: 3p
This is one of Susan's favorite classes. We'll make several tart crusts and fill them with pear/almond filling, classic tart aux pommes, and create a crust to fill with cream and fruit. After this class, you'll be set to make a tart for any occasion.
Intro to Croissants
Mon – Sun: 7p
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About The Little French Bakery Classes
Class Fee is $225 per person/day*
* If you have a gift certificate for a class, it will be honored for full payment.
All classes are held in our North Freedom, Wisconsin kitchen studio unless noted.
No experience necessary, come and enjoy! Students must be 18 years or older, unless noted.
A Few Details…
Breakfast, Lunch, and your materials are included .
You’ll take home what you’ve made… there may be a lot of goodies. Boxes are provided but you may wish to bring an extra container or two.
Wear comfortable shoes and clothes that can get a little flour on them.
Classes may be cancelled due to inclement weather or demand. If so, your class fee will be refunded or transferred.
Classes begin at 9:00 am and will finish between 4-4:30 p.m.
To reserve your space in class, simply choose your class and checkout. Class fees are refundable if cancelled at least 72 hours prior to class. You’ll be sent a confirmation message confirming your space.
The Little French Bakery is located about five miles west of Baraboo, Wisconsin on Sugar Road. Here's a link to Google Maps. (click to open)
Have a gift certificate?
After you’ve found a class you like, email or call Susan to book your space in class.