Here we go!
It's Week 1. Tonight is the first episode of the The Great British Baking Show. We love the show at our house. I'm participating in Wisconsin Public Television's, Great Wisconsin Baking Challenge (GWBC).
Lemon Drizzle Cake
There were three challenges to choose from this week. I choose the Drizzle Cake. I think one of the most interesting parts about the show is the vocabulary for baked goods and ingredients. I could guess what a drizzle cake is, but I did an internet search and found a recipe I thought looked great. It was written by Paul Hollywood, one of the show's judges, so how could I go wrong?
The GWBC asks that we put a Wisconsin spin on our recipe. Well.... I followed the recipe, and sort of forgot the Wisconsin spin. I can tell you that Castor sugar, which is very fine granulated sugar, isn't readily available in our local supermarkets. So, my spin is finding a substitution. I used granulated sugar and it was just fine. Next week I'll try to get a bit more creative and Wisconsin-y
The other substitution I made was the self-rising flour. I probably could have searched it out at the store, but I made my own.
Self Rising Flour
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
I made the cake in a loaf pan rather than a square pan. Either is fine. The cake was very fragrant and rose beautifully in the pan. I had lined the pan with parchent paper so I was able to lift out the cake after I soaked it with the sugar/lemon juice mixture. Once cool, I drizzled the thick white icing over the top. Now for a taste. Silence!
It was one of the best tasting desserts I've made. The texture was tender, the lemon scent and taste were over the top, but not sour. The powdered sugar icing took it over the top. I brought it over to the house and gave Gary and my dad a taste. Then I asked Gary to take it away as soon as possible and find a neighbor, or stranger for that matter, who would enjoy it. Off he went.
He had just pulled away and passed a van coming up the road. It was a family here for the trampoline tournament in Madison who are staying on a dairy farm near LaValle. They were looking for bakery items, and had found me doing a Google search. I can't make this stuff up! I told them they had just missed the GBBS test recipe, and I had nothing to offer or sell them. Off they went in search of something sweet. I did recommend Babcock Hall in Madison for ice cream after they compete tomorrow.
Have fun watching this season's shows. I'll be back later this week with next week's challenge. Give this one a try, and let me know how you liked it in comments. If you tried a different recipe, tell us about it.
Here's a link to Paul's Recipe